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Image of Eun Jung Decker

Eun Jung Decker (she/hers/her)



As a coach​


Attracted to coaching by the prospect of unlocking human potential, Eun Jung is a certified executive and career coach. Her mission is to strengthen season leaders and nurture emerging leaders by developing skill sets distinguished not just by emotional intelligence but also propelled by a commitment to equity. These leaders excel in fostering cultures that inspire and engage their teams.


Eun Jung is committed to breaking down the obstacles imposed by antiquated belief systems and narratives, both at an individual and team level. Her client-focused strategy revolves around initiating profound transformations and fostering habits that harmonize her clients' true selves with their outward presence in the world.


I focus on empowering leaders of all kinds—including introverts, entrepreneurs, and those stepping into their second act—to unlock their potential and create spaces of equity, authenticity, and impact. With a rich background in executive coaching, race theory, and organizational strategy, I help clients lead with empathy, resilience, and purpose.


As an equitable leader 


Drawing on her academic background in race and culture, coupled with extensive experience shaping organizational culture and fostering equitable environments, Eun Jung integrates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) values into professional settings. Her commitment extends beyond the workplace, as she actively volunteers in education to instill DEI principles in staffing, teaching, and overall culture. Eun Jung's approach to DEI revolves around authentic communication, collaborative learning, accountability, and purposeful action. She bridges the gap between theoretical constructs and practical outcomes, ensuring that equity transcends abstract ideals to become a tangible presence in work, educational, and personal spheres.


Recognizing the emotional terrain and unexamined beliefs inherent in DEI work, Eun Jung emphasizes the importance of proximity, the courage to scrutinize assumptions without the burden of shame, and the patience required to unearth the truth within our connections. For her, DEI work entails accountability, a readiness for change, and a profound understanding that dismantling the illusion of separateness is insufficient without a simultaneous commitment to altering the real social consequences stemming from perceived differences.


In Strategy


Eun Jung partners with clients to create authentic brand stories that catalyze audiences and supports internal coherence within company structures. She also focuses on leadership that is rooted in truthfulness, vulnerability, personal connection, and teambuilding. Previously, Eun Jung was the Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer at a boutique medical group, where she led for nine years, driving year-on-year growth in both volume and value, developing leadership programs, and creating and acting as guardian for the current brand. She works with clients on brand and operational strategy as well as building long-term strategic plans aimed at fueling growth and creating sustainable company cultures that serve clients and employees. 


In all things


At the core her professional and academic pursuits lies the commitment to cultivate and fortify environments where authenticity, equity, and equanimity serve as guiding principles, where anti-racism is not just a concept but an actionable commitment, and where belonging is a non-negotiable foundation. 


Never burdened with athletic ability, Eun Jung dedicated her life to academic and creative endeavors, with a profound love for the written word weaving through everything she does. If questioned at the age of 20 about having dogs in her (older) adult life, she would have adamantly rejected the idea. Yet, here she resides in California, embracing the joys and challenges of life with her two children, her partner, and, unexpectedly, her two canine companions.


She holds an M.A. in American Studies with a focus on race theory and literary criticism from The George Washington University, along with a B.A. in Multicultural Studies (as it was known then) from the University of Minnesota, Morris. Eun Jung also holds certifications as an executive coach, a career coach, and a strategy coach. She is also a Certified Genos International Emotional Intelligence Practitioner.


associate-certified-coach-acc badge
Career Coach Badge
Genos certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner badge

Because Words Matter:
The Reason Behind the Name



The word "Hikari" in Japanese translates to "light." In our collaborative efforts, my goal is to assist you in discovering and magnifying your inner light.


By allowing our decisions in business, relationships, and personal matters to emanate from a clear and open-minded perspective, we enable ourselves to interact with the world in the most genuine manner. This approach enables us to express our talents and ideas without the constraints of outdated patterns and modes of thinking, fostering true connections and unlocking our full potential.

Because Word Matter
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