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  • Eun Jung Decker

Marketing for Introverts: Embracing Growth, Authenticity, and Connection

For the introvert, the very idea of marketing ourselves can fill us with existential dread. We know that clients need to find us, we know we need to be out there at least a little, and we know we cannot hide behind the curtain when we are running our own show. But creating that visibility asks us to shift our operating system and lean into vulnerability and connection that we often avoid.

As someone who has had many roles in the marketing field, from PR rep to CMO, one might think that self-marketing would come more naturally to me. In some ways, my experience helps, as I can discern where I should be spending my time and energy. In other ways, it bogs me down because I understand how much I should be doing, and yet I feel at times paralyzed by that very knowing.

I have agonized over this tension between wanting to build my business in alignment with the type of work that

inspires me and wanting to run and hide from the very idea of marketing. This tension has set me on a soul-searching, belief-examining path that has led to more awareness, more authenticity, and indeed more visibility and connection in ways that fit who I am.

Here are some ways I have found that help me engage in marketing activities while remaining a card-carrying member of Team Introvert.

1. Embrace the Tension

Until you gain confidence in this process, there is going to be some push and pull. Even as you become more competent, doubt and the inclination to stay behind the scenes may still arise. There will inevitably be days when you feel highly engaged in your marketing activities, and other days when you feel less motivated. Honor that dynamic state while holding yourself accountable for getting yourself out there.

Rather than letting marketing and networking weigh on you as a chore, acknowledge that these activities push you outside your comfort zone. Remember that almost all growth happens in discomfort. We introverts need to prioritize time to refuel and recenter. But we can also lean into connection in intentional and focused ways that support business growth without forfeiting our peace.

2. Stay Connected to the Why

For an introvert to put themselves out there, there needs to be a compelling reason. What is yours? Are you building the business of your dreams? Will this allow you to show up in the world as your brightest and best self? Do your offerings help others build their dreams? Whatever the reason, center that before you extend yourself. Knowing that you are doing this for a profound reason prevents marketing from becoming a hollow activity and grounds it in a point of view that carries you toward your envisioned future.

Staying rooted in your why will also keep you from mentally creating a silo around marketing activities. Instead, you may consistently view these activities as a part of your larger strategy. Marketing on its own may sound less than appealing. But marketing to create connection, establish your voice, and meaningfully contribute to a broader community discussion while building your business feels entirely different.

3. Don’t Decide the Outcome Before You Even Try

Many misconceptions about marketing and self-promotion, including my own, stem from a reluctance to share seemingly unoriginal thoughts and a fear of appearing egotistical or foolish. Too often, we decide the outcome of our efforts before we even post. In truth, there is great opportunity to learn about engagement when we approach our marketing work with authenticity, purpose, and a sincere desire to connect.

Rather than deciding you know the outcome and preventing yourself from even trying, Elaine Welteroth, multi-hyphenate author and journalist, in her Masterclass advises that you “allow yourself to be surprised by what your audience connects with… and what people connect with most is authenticity.” Stay open to the possibilities. While there is no growth without risk, you are not bringing yourself closer to your goals by staying hidden.

4. Leave Room for Self-Discovery

While audiences may surprise you, there is a distinct possibility that you will surprise yourself. As you shift your perspective from seeing marketing as a necessary chore to viewing it as an integral part of your business that builds and sustains a conversation with key audiences, your energy around marketing will also change. In the act of doing, there is an opportunity to discover. You may find topics that inspire you, connections that support your career, and aspects of yourself you might never have known if you had stayed safely in your introvert zone. You may even find that by engaging with the world in an authentic and self-sustaining way, you can write, post, and connect without depleting yourself.

My Introvert Pep Talk

Here is what I know: the world needs voices that connect, voices that are in alignment with their purpose, voices that increase the light around us, and voices that share ideas and experiences that spark others. The world needs you. Don’t let fear keep you from using your voice. It is a skill you can hone. You don’t need to do it all at once. But by staying aligned with your purpose, open to possibilities, and honoring that this is a new skill for you, you can do it, my introverted friend.

P.S. I will be back with more tips for introverts. We need to look out for one another, you know?


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