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The Process

Learn & Discover

Get to know the culture as it is and learn where the team wants to go.

Recognize/articulate underlying tensions, operational inefficiencies, talent gap/alignments that may keep an organization from growing.

Engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders.

Design & Imagine

Define foundation questions that guide the strategic planning process.


Defining strategic goals that inspire, through multiple time horizons.

Create & Iterate

Drawing from phases 1 & 2, we create strategies and their attendant tactics. As we continue our dialogue with stakeholders, continue to fold in insights and considerations. 

Deliver & Evaluate

Create and maintain an assessment cadence that allows the strategic plan to respond to changing environmental stimuli while maintaining fidelity to the mission and vision. 

Creating and maintaining a strategic vision that guides your business, both with how it interacts with the world and how it operates internally, is one of the most difficult and rewarding ​assignments of a leadership team. Drawing from decades of experience, your own understanding of your business, and collaborative intuition, we can build foundational strategies that will propel you forward in meaningful and substantive ways. 

We collaborate to create high-yield campaigns, strategies, and processes. We use data and intuition to decide where we expend our energy, and we look at measurables and intangibles to determine our impact and path forward. 


Image by Tim Marshall
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Strategic Consulting

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